REPORT - Slide Night*
The SLAC inaugural slide presentation night was an enjoyable one, with a variety of subject matter including found slides, art work documentation, foreign locations, Sydney events and a dead dog. Thankyou to Stephen Mori for the use of his gallery; members and guests (Luke Parker, Christopher Dean, Robert Lake and Roy). Members found it difficult to choose such a limited number of slides, so Iwould like to plan another slide night for early next year. I think we've only scratched the surface of some brilliant archives. We could possibly find another gallery venue - any suggestions? I personally would enjoy ever-changing locations for these events. I've got the slide projector and esky ready. Thankyou to all members & guests once again for an interesting evening.
To see more images from the slide night, go to:
*(this report was written by the organiser of the event, Reg)