Sydney Ladies Artists Club

A social and support organisation for invited female artists based in Sydney.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Slide Night II

The Sydney Ladies Artists Club is holding its second slide night on Friday the 27th January 2006, at

MOP Projects
Room 16, Level 2
617 Elizabeth Street Redfern

at 7pm.

As for the previous slide night, please bring four slides of any subject matter to present a (maximum) four minute talk, and bring a plate of food and/or a bottle of your choice.

Again, please bring a cushion or chair or something to sit on, as there is limited seating at the gallery and the floor is hard.


Blogger la said...

I posted this comment under "Why a Ladie's Club?" and I am repeating it here where, perjaps it shoul have been...
After attending Slide Night 2, I agree with you Liz - sometimes it's easier to keep the sexes apart. Sometimes it's just easier to keep the sexes apart. I would like to suggest we stick with our kind just for these events. After all it is a Ladies Club. I much rather prefer comments, such as at the Slide Night, from the Ladies. I think the discussion can really then grow. I see this as a meeting with some people rather than a public showing.I love Regina's rules: 4 slides only and the other hand, found all the images presented that night icebergs for exploration. More! and with the audience we have chosen , so we can fart and complain as much as we want ( metaphorically)

1:02 pm  

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