Sydney Ladies Artists Club

A social and support organisation for invited female artists based in Sydney.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I feel there needs to be more posting on the blog, otherwise it gets boring - and event reports just aren't frequent enough to fill this need.

So I thought I'd write down some 'SLAC Q&A's, where I discuss issues associated with the Ladies Club - and perhaps explain some of the ideas behind it. I couldn't really call it 'SLAC FAQ's, because nobody's asked any questions at all, (let alone frequently), so it's 'SLAC Q&A' - me answering imaginery questions that people might ask, silently, without actually asking.

(I have to stress that the ideas I put here about what the club is are solely my own, and not necessarily representative of every member of the club, who may disagree with what I say entirely).


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